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The 2024 Republican Presidential Candidate Is A(nother) Lying Authoritarian

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) recently published an op-ed in the New York Times. Basically, Cotton's argument is: Riots = bad. Protests that are "peaceful and law-abiding" aren't quite as bad... ...but really, they didn't send me to Washington to make such persnickety distinctions. We should conduct military assaults on Americans the same way I did against insurgents in Afghanistan's Laghman Province. Because... [here he's fuzzy; he just likes "calling in the miltary."] These are just a few of Cotton's lies, half-truths and dissembling. The link supposedly to evidence of de Blasio's abnegation of responsibility actually shows the protesters standing up to looting and destruction, and details further, rampant police misconduct. You're not helping yourself by linking to this one, Cotton. He cites instances — all horrible — of violence toward cops. But he neglects to contrast those to the many, many more instances of violence *f...
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John McCain, 1936-2018

I voted for John McCain for president in 2000. I had moved from Greenwich Village up to Inwood, in Manhattan, a few months earlier. I had been registered to vote in the Village, and I think I voted for McCain in the primary, although I can't swear to that memory. (And fat lot of good it did him, anyway; he dropped out after that.) But my new registration reflecting my new address wasn't yet in the book on that November election day. However, I had my voter ID card which had arrived ahead of the presidential election, and yes, it showed me as a registered Republican. Which I'd been ever since I'd turned 18 and became old enough to vote. I didn't have a lot of primaries to vote in when I lived in Greenwich Village, as you may imagine. But I'd voted in plenty of general elections, nearly every year, so I was familiar with New York's old "lever" voting machines: you pull the lever to vote (in my first few years, I think it still closed the curtain b...

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